6 Strategies for Balancing Authenticity and Professionalism

This week on The JSA Blog, we’re sharing some news based on what we are seeing in the current marketplace.

We all desire to just “be ourselves.” In our personal lives with friends and family, it usually is quite natural and like second nature. However, being authentic in the workplace comes with a different set of challenges.

Whether it’s a fear of judgment from colleagues and superiors or coming across as being unprofessional, being our true selves at work is a bit of a conundrum. Many feel they need to balance between being authentic while also making sure they are presenting ourselves as professional.

According to INC.com, here are 6 strategies for balancing authenticity and professionalism:

  1. Values and integrity. You can be authentic while never straying away from your values. If you always act with integrity, you’ll always be looked at as being professional.
  2. Be respectful. Always treat colleagues with respect and be listen to others and acknowledge their opinions, even if you disagree.
  3. Keep it relevant. When sharing about your personal life and showcasing your authenticity, be sure to keep it limited to stories that are relevant to the workplace tasks and discussions.
  4. Be mindful with your vulnerabilities. Always be aware that sharing your vulnerabilities can help humanize interactions at work, but make sure there’s a smooth transition to how it is connected to what’s happening at work.
  5. Keep your emotions in check. Always react and present a calm, controlled demeanor.
  6. Pay attention to the context. Every workplace environment has different norms and expectations. Adapt your communication style accordingly.

For more details and to read the full article from INC.com, click the link below!